Sihanoukville Cambodja Fans: 182 | Hora: 06h08 14/01 UTC+7 | Dia: 06h26 a 18h02

Gener 2025 Tide times, tide heights and tidal coefficients

Data 1st Tide 2nd Tide 3rd Tide 4th Tide Lluna Albada Vespre Sortida de la lluna Posta de lluna
13/01/2025 Dilluns 04:18 1.1m 17:18 0.1m 93% 06:27 18:01 17:29 05:44
14/01/2025 Dimarts 05:07 1.1m 18:17 0.1m Lluna plena 06:27 18:01 18:28 07:31
15/01/2025 Dimecres 05:55 1.1m 19:15 0.1m 93% 06:27 18:02 19:23 07:30
16/01/2025 Dijous 06:41 1m 20:09 0.1m 87% 06:27 18:02 20:14 08:15
17/01/2025 Divendres 07:23 1m 20:56 0.2m 80% 06:28 18:03 21:02 08:56
18/01/2025 Dissabte 07:59 0.9m 21:38 0.2m 73% 06:28 18:03 21:47 09:33
19/01/2025 Diumenge 08:27 0.8m 22:14 0.3m 67% 06:28 18:04 22:31 10:09
20/01/2025 Dilluns 08:42 0.7m 22:42 0.4m 60% 06:28 18:04 23:15 10:43
21/01/2025 Dimarts 08:14 0.6m 21:49 0.5m 53% 06:28 18:05 11:19
22/01/2025 Dimecres 05:46 0.6m 14:07 0.5m 47% 06:28 18:05 00:00 11:56
23/01/2025 Dijous 01:25 0.6m 13:41 0.4m 40% 06:28 18:06 00:46 12:36
24/01/2025 Divendres 01:17 0.7m 13:56 0.3m 33% 06:28 18:06 01:36 13:21
25/01/2025 Dissabte 01:52 0.8m 14:31 0.3m 27% 06:28 18:07 02:29 14:10
26/01/2025 Diumenge 02:35 0.9m 15:18 0.2m 20% 06:28 18:07 03:25 15:04
27/01/2025 Dilluns 03:22 0.9m 16:13 0.2m 13% 06:28 18:07 04:22 16:02
28/01/2025 Dimarts 04:09 1m 17:12 0.1m 7% 06:28 18:08 05:18 17:02
29/01/2025 Dimecres 04:55 1m 18:11 0.1m Lluna Nova 06:28 18:08 07:03 18:01
30/01/2025 Dijous 05:41 1m 19:07 0.1m 7% 06:28 18:09 07:03 18:59
31/01/2025 Divendres 06:23 1m 19:59 0.1m 13% 06:28 18:09 07:50 19:55

Febrer 2025 Tide times, tide heights and tidal coefficients

Data 1st Tide 2nd Tide 3rd Tide 4th Tide Lluna Albada Vespre Sortida de la lluna Posta de lluna
01/02/2025 Dissabte 07:04 0.9m 20:49 0.2m 20% 06:28 18:09 08:34 20:49
02/02/2025 Diumenge 07:39 0.9m 21:40 0.3m 27% 06:28 18:10 09:17 21:43
03/02/2025 Dilluns 08:05 0.8m 22:37 0.4m 33% 06:28 18:10 10:00 22:38
04/02/2025 Dimarts 07:44 0.6m 14:44 0.5m 21:09 0.6m 40% 06:28 18:10 10:45 23:34
05/02/2025 Dimecres 00:41 0.6m 03:48 0.6m 12:50 0.4m 23:27 0.7m 47% 06:28 18:11 11:32
06/02/2025 Dijous 12:45 0.3m 53% 06:28 18:11 12:24 00:32
07/02/2025 Divendres 00:29 0.8m 13:18 0.2m 60% 06:27 18:11 13:19 01:33
08/02/2025 Dissabte 01:26 0.9m 14:06 0.1m 67% 06:27 18:11 14:18 02:35
09/02/2025 Diumenge 02:23 1m 15:03 0.1m 73% 06:27 18:12 15:18 03:35
10/02/2025 Dilluns 03:19 1m 16:08 0.1m 80% 06:27 18:12 16:17 04:31
11/02/2025 Dimarts 04:12 1m 17:17 0.1m 87% 06:26 18:12 17:13 05:23
12/02/2025 Dimecres 05:02 1m 18:24 0.1m 93% 06:26 18:13 18:05 06:09
13/02/2025 Dijous 05:48 0.9m 19:26 0.2m Lluna plena 06:26 18:13 18:54 07:29

Tide from Phumi Phsar Ream Bay (13.40km from Sihanoukville)

Spots tide forecasts are provided with no warranty. Do not use for navigation or for harmful activities. More